Less Obvious Pitfalls Every Business Should Avoid Online

Avoid hidden online pitfalls and enhance your business strategy with tips on customer interactions, local SEO, accessibility, email segmentation, and more.
30 April 2024
min read

Navigating the online landscape is much like exploring a vast, unknown territory. While the promise of expanding your business digitally is tantalising, there are several less obvious pitfalls that can derail even the most well-intentioned digital strategies.

Having spent over a decade helping businesses grow, we want to share some insights on the lesser-known traps you should avoid.

1. Mismanaging Online Customer Interactions

Engaging with customers online can be a tricky challenge. When customers leave negative feedback or ask questions that put you under a bit of pressure, it can be tempting to delay a response, not respond at all, or even worse, respond in the incorrect manner and tone.

Failing to engage in a timely and professional manner to online reviews, comments sections, or call-outs where they @ you on social media (the worst kind), can make customers feel undervalued and lead them to your competitors. Always have a dedicated team member or policy to monitor and respond to online interactions promptly and appropriately.

2. Underestimating the Importance of Local SEO

If you're operating a brick-and-mortar store or a business that serves a specific locality, neglecting local SEO can be a costly mistake. Local SEO involves optimising your website to appear in search results for a specific region. This means including location-based keywords, creating a Google My Business profile, and ensuring your business details are consistent across all online platforms.

Many businesses overlook this, thinking broader SEO strategies are enough, but in reality, local SEO can drive significant traffic and attract nearby customers.

(customers can't support local businesses, if they can't find you online)

3. Ignoring Website Accessibility

Accessibility isn't just about social responsibility; it's a legal necessity in many cases. An accessible website ensures that all potential customers, including those with disabilities, can use it effectively. Neglecting accessibility can not only alienate a significant portion of your audience but also expose you to legal risks.

Ensure your website complies with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) to improve its usability for everyone.

4. Overlooking the Power of Email Segmentation

Email marketing is far from dead; it's just evolved. A common pitfall is to blast all your subscribers with the same generic messages. Email segmentation involves dividing your email list into smaller, more specific groups based on criteria like demographics, purchase history, and interaction with previous emails.

This targeted approach can dramatically increase open rates, click-through rates, and conversions. If you're not segmenting your emails, you're likely missing out on significant engagement and sales opportunities.

5. Not Utilising Data Analytics to Full Potential

Data is king in the digital age, yet many businesses fail to harness the full potential of analytics. Tools like Google Analytics provide a wealth of information about how users interact with your website and where you can improve.

However, simply having access to this data isn't enough; you need to actively analyse and use this information to make informed decisions. Regularly review your analytics to identify trends, track conversion rates, and optimise your marketing strategies.

6. Failing to Update Content Regularly

Your website's content is not a 'set it and forget it' asset. The digital world moves fast, and content that was relevant six months ago may not be today. Regularly updating your content keeps it fresh and relevant, which is crucial for keeping your audience engaged and maintaining SEO rankings. This includes updating blog posts, revising product descriptions, and refreshing homepage content.

7. Skimping on Mobile Optimisation

In today's mobile-first world, having a mobile-optimised website is crucial. Many businesses make their websites responsive and stop there, thinking it's enough. However, mobile optimisation also involves optimising page speed, button sizes, and navigational structures for mobile devices.

Mobile users have different needs and behaviours than desktop users, and failing to fully optimise for these can lead to a poor user experience and a drop in conversion rates.

(mobile design of websites)

8. Not Planning for Scalability

As your business grows, so too should your digital presence. Many small businesses build their online platforms without considering future growth. This can lead to costly overhauls down the line. When developing your digital strategy, think about scalability from the start.

Choose platforms that can grow with you, and plan for future needs, whether it's adding e-commerce capabilities, more bandwidth for increased traffic, or more robust hosting solutions.

9. Underestimating Content Diversification

Lastly, many businesses fall into the trap of one-track content creation. If you're only blogging, you're missing out on the rich tapestry of content forms available today. Video, podcasts, infographics, and interactive tools can engage different segments of your audience in unique ways. Diversifying your content not only keeps your audience interested but also broadens your reach and strengthens your online presence.

You’ve got this!

Navigating these pitfalls might seem daunting, but awareness is the first step towards improvement. Each step you take to avoid these traps not only enhances your digital strategy but also fortifies your brand against potential risks. With careful planning and attentive execution, you can ensure that your online presence is not just robust but also dynamically aligned with the needs and behaviours of your audience.

Need Help?

Improving your digital presence can be exhilarating, but also overwhelming. If you're ready to boost your digital presence and implement some of the above points, get in touch with us and we’d be happy to help!

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